Saturday, November 22, 2008


at leopold senghor international airport waiting for the next few hours to fly home to america.

it was pretty sweet because i was all friendly in wolof and stuff and got to cut lines and made lots of friends. apparently living in a hut in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere will pay least at the airport where people are amused at your ability to communicate in their local language. sad thing is -- i'll probably lose it all in the next two weeks.

i've been fighting a really nasty cold and skin rash so i'm looking quite forward to getting away from all the conditions that lead to my weird illnesses and being cold and maybe getting the flu in america.

i am so incredibly excited to be home for the next two weeks.

if you want to see me, shoot me an email! i'm in america until the 7th of december.

america, here i come!

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