Thursday, April 3, 2008

just another morning

today started out with histrionics from coudja (little girl from next door). she came running into my hut just as aram entered carrying my morning water. coudja was trailed by some woman (whom i ought to know, considering that she lives next door, but don't) who was trying to hit her for something (kids get hit all the time as punishment here -- hits are doled out quite frequently). coudja was wailing and she was naked if not for a thin sheet of fabric wrapped around her tiny, skinny frame. she was clearly in trouble (she hit the baby) but the women were finding the whole chase-the-child-thing funny as the woman chased coudja around and around aram as aram stood there balancing water on her head. she finally reached coudja, gave her a light smack, and ran off. coudja very obviously overreacted, throwing herself onto the floor and screaming her head off, her skirt thrown aside, and her very skinny naked body writhing on my floor.

just another morning at site...

1 comment:

treesaver said...

oooh, she sounds like a drama queen...sounds like somebody familiar...somebody i knew during my childhood...hmmmm...i wonder who?!! hehe...