Wednesday, October 7, 2009


i realize i've really dropped the ball on updating this blog and crap, i'm going home in 10 days!

so quick update:
- i've said goodbye to my village (lots of tears)
- i've met my replacement and think she's amazing
- wolfgang lost his balls (not by accident, of course)
- i'm not traveling to asia and will be back in america by oct. 17, inshallah
- i still don't have a job (in america)
- i have to have 3 MIF kits done by friday and i'm having performance anxiety

i will update from the last time i wrote in august and then delete this post -- it's just a quick post to say that i'm still alive, still in senegal, and still in the peace corps.

hope there are pumpkins and apples in america because i'd really like to see a few of those.